Summer of 2018 Classes
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 7am
Keeping Fit (designed for 50+ age group but anyone welcome)
Class Description: This group walks several miles in 45 minutes to a variety of videos. This classes encourages participants to keep an active lifestyle, and increase their heart rate to encourage weight loss and fitness.
Monday 8:30am and Wednesday at 4:30pm
Indoor Cycling
Indoor cycling is a form of exercise using a stationary bicycle in the classroom setting. Participants set goals based on their perceived rate of exertion or heart rate using a heart rate monitor. The typical class involves a single instructor who leads the group in a number of different cycling routines. These routines are designed to simulate terrain and situations encountered on an actual bicycle ride including hill climbs, sprints, and interval training. Each individual in the class can choose his or her own goals for each session. Some will choose to maintain moderate aerobic intensity level, while others will choose to drive their heart rate to a higher level in intervals of anaerobic activity.
Tuesday and Thursday at 5:15am
Zumba combines dance choreography with aerobic moves. The Latin rhythms used in this workout keep your heart rate up while toning those trouble spots. All this, while having a great time! This work out is for all ages, fun, and addicting. Once you get started you will look forward to coming back each week!
Wednesday at 8am
Revelation Class
Come work out Wednesday mornings 8-9am starting May 30- July 25. Classes will include a combination of cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance. Revelation Wellness classes are Faith based and God centered. Come enjoy a great workout! **No classes scheduled June 27th and July 4.